Sunday, 31 Jul 2022 20:35 GMT

3D Technology

With 3D printing fast becoming a valuable asset to sign-makers, David Osgar asks: “What are some factors to consider when investing in 3D technology, and what work can it lead to?”

Making the right investment  

It’s important to consider the total workflow involved with 3D printing, from file creation and checking to the ease of use of a printer such as the new Mimaki 3DUJ-2207 that can deliver high quality objects in up to 10,000,000 colours.

The front end of a 3D printing system is a key consideration for businesses looking to expand into this area. Design software is inherently more complex than that which was used to create files for ‘traditional’ 2D wide- format inkjet or direct-to-object printing, as the data needs to either be constructed from scratch or scanned in from an object.

This shouldn’t put companies off, the evolution of high quality 2D printing has been rapid, with seismic changes in technology, availability of high quality royalty free artwork and photography, and significant advances in image capturing technology. Who, a decade ago, would have thought an image from a mobile phone camera could be suitable for reproducing on a grand-format banner as it can be now?

3D file creation applications like Blender are open source, and online resources are expanding, with image libraries already supplying multicoloured 3D files. Mimaki’s 3D Print Prep Pro software is a further important step in the file preparation process, checking data for errors in advance of printing, and potentially saving hours of building time and minimising material wastage.

The front end of a 3D printing system is a key consideration for businesses looking to expand into this area. Design software is inherently more complex

Furthermore, the very end of the 3D printing process should also be carefully considered. Removal of support materials has traditionally been a manual process; however, Mimaki’s water soluble support material can be effortlessly dissolved in an almost entirely hands-off process. Using a wash bath, this saves time and massively reduces labour costs, as well as reducing the chance of breakage of the printed object.

A machine like the Mimaki 3DUJ-2207 can therefore enable companies to offer industrial design applications such as medical and architectural modelling, as well as small-scale models for design offices and educational settings, collectible gaming figures and packaging prototypes. Detailed structures can be encased with its clear ink, utilised in conjunction with colour for a translucent effect or to create clear elements such as windows, panels, and inset detailing.

Know your market
Eric Savant, Managing director, Hobs 3D

The key question for any business looking to extend its offering through 3D printing is how much they’re willing to invest not just in machinery, but in building expertise. Even with as far as the technology has come, using a 3D printer is not like using a photocopier. You have to understand the materials used, the machines and the 3D design work required to feed them.

If a company decides they want to make the investment, they have to know which technology will best suit their desired output. There are a minefield of choices available, so a lot of research is required to know which is most appropriate.

If a company decides they want to make the investment, they have to know which technology will best suit their desired output

It’s also important that the company build a business case for a dependable sector and then explore what other possibilities exist, not the other way around. It’s becoming easier and easier for clients to find suppliers who can meet their needs, so a business should know it has a client base it can count on for sales before it takes the leap.

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