Monday, 18 Apr 2022 13:21 GMT

Quality Colour Management Software

Achieving accurate colours at first attempt can save both time and costs on reprints. With this in mind, Rob Fletcher asks: “What are the dangers of not investing in quality colour management software?”

Improve quality and consistency

Customers who demand consistent colour results for their multimedia campaigns won’t be satisfied with colour management systems that can’t maintain brand colours across different devices and substrates. Therefore, a company that hasn’t invested properly in colour management faces the cost of reprinting or ultimately having work rejected that could lead to the loss of a client.

Companies may rely heavily on operators to output work with ‘tweaks’ applied to hit desired colours, which then becomes custom and normally unrepeatable. This manual process can even mask an issue on a device that needs addressing and waste is accrued in time and materials.

In contrast, an automated colour management workflow spots potential device issues and automatically re-calibrates, with improved quality and consistency on device output.

With rising overheads in the signage and large-format industry, traditional solutions don’t offer significant consumables savings

Plus, with rising overheads in the signage and large-format industry, traditional solutions don’t offer significant consumables savings. Whereas GMG ColorServer reduces the use of press time and materials to profile and proof and eliminates the correction cycles and reprints that are typical when applying manual colour correction.

Some ink optimisation tools provide ink savings at the expense of colour quality; however, GMG InkOptimizer uses GMG’s advanced MX technology to ensure both ink levels and colour are optimised. It has the additional benefits of allowing presses to run at full speed, preventing mottling and streaking, and reducing wear and tear on print heads.

Dedicated to innovation

Jan De Roeck, director of marketing, industry relations and strategy, Esko

Today’s sign and display manufacturers already face a whole host of challenges. Everything from growing demand for increased accuracy, consistency, and efficiency, to increased pressures arising from logistics and supply issues. There is also a widening skills gap in the workforce which has only been compounded by the impact of the global pandemic and the so-called ‘great resignation’ and ‘great retirement’.

With familiarity bringing comfort, particularly important in these uncertain times, sign and display specialists know that consistent colour reproduction – be it on packaging, labels, outdoor signage or in-store freestanding display units – is essential to ensure brand recognition and develop brand equity amongst consumers. Importantly, this needs to be achieved while meeting existing customer demands in terms of time, quality and cost – and increasingly with specific waste management requirements included in the brief.

Ensuring accuracy ahead of print not only reduces waste, thereby improving efficiency, but the removal of errors also serves to increase productivity

Ensuring accuracy ahead of print not only reduces waste, thereby improving efficiency, but the removal of errors also serves to increase productivity. Without a doubt, the innovation delivering the clearest tangible benefit to businesses in meeting this challenge is the adoption of integrated hardware and software to automate workflows, systems and processes.

That’s why we remain dedicated to innovating new solutions which deliver efficiencies in terms of ink use, substrate waste and operator input, while increasing productivity through automation. Excellence in business performance – the value promise of digital transformation – leads to success by improving operational processes, lowering costs and delivering client loyalty. All of which is proving increasingly important as the ‘new normal’ becomes simply ‘the normal’.

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