Friday, 14 May 2021 10:45 GMT

Artists share self-care tips through OOH

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week runs every year in May. Running this week (10th – 16th May), this year’s theme is nature.

To celebrate the week, Clear Channel UK has teamed up with creative network, Pocc, to launch a mental health campaign as part of its joint artists-in-residence programme.

The campaign features artwork from various creatives and showcases how each artist looks after their own mental health. Using each artist’s individual style, the campaign hopes to encourage the public to look after their own mental health.

Having experienced mental ill-health herself, Lucy McKillop, head of brand marketing at Clear Channel describes the importance of using a platform such as out-of-home to raise awareness and generate conversations around mental health.

The campaign was projected across Clear Channel’s digital screens nationwide

She says: “As we mark Mental Health Awareness Week it feels ironic (the Alanis Morrisette kind) as someone who has mental health issues, that I am struggling to articulate why it’s so important that we asked Pocc to create artistic responses to the importance of self-care in the fight for good mental health.

“But it is. Mental health issues disproportionately affect minority groups – and the lasting effect of the past 18 months is going to play out in the mental health sphere.”

According to data from the UK government, at the end of December 2020, there were 1.4m people in contact with services including almost 1 million people in contact with adult mental health services.

For resources, tips, and tools for managing mental health, you can visit the Mental Health Foundation’s website at

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