Friday, 14 May 2021 09:01 GMT

Mimaki gears up for Innovation Days

Mimaki has announced details of a virtual event designed to help encourage and nurture innovation in the printing sector.

The manufacturer’s Innovation Days will run from June 2nd to 4th and feature experts from its Europe, US and Japan divisions, focusing on addressing the needs of customers and prospects in their local market.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to further explore the latest additions to Mimaki’s product portfolio - the JFX550, JFX600 and SUJV-160, which were launched at the recent Virtual Drupa show - through live demonstrations.

Danna Drion, general marketing manager for EMEA at Mimaki, says: “With Innovations Days, we very much wanted to recreate the lively, innovative space of a trade show as much as possible. 

“Over these few days, Mimaki experts and the public alike will come together to share collective expertise, engage in discussion, and showcase the application possibilities achievable with brand-new Mimaki technologies.”

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