Wednesday, 05 Jul 2017 12:34 GMT

Majert makes green pledge with Chiplite LED

Majert has followed up on the recent launch of its CL-Flexo LED lighting solution with the roll-out of CL Neon Flex LED, which offers a number of environmental benefits to users.

CL-Flexo LED is the latest addition to the series of Chiplite LED modules, with one of its main features being that it synthesises, and simulates the power and effect of neon, but at a cheaper cost without the need for higher voltage.

Majert also says CL-Flexo LED has significantly less maintenance requirements associated with the more traditional neon and traditional fluorescent lighting systems.

CL-Flexo LED is available in either a flat-faced or curved configuration, with both options based on a dual-colour silicon extrusion that incorporates diffused silicon lens and a thermal conductive base.

The system is inherently flexible in application, easy to install, requires virtually zero maintenance and can be used for a wide range of applications

In a statement, Majert says: “The system is inherently flexible in application, easy to install, requires virtually zero maintenance and can be used for a wide range of applications, including interior building and sign outline lighting. Typically, the system requires only 12W/m and provides a life cycle of 50,000 hours.”

As with all Chiplite LED solutions, CL-Flexo LED meets all relevant BS/EN safety and performance standards and also has Restriction of Hazardous Substances certification.

In addition, the new product has a CE rating in accordance with the electrical lighting devices standard BS 55015 and an IP67 rating to BS EN 60529, which cover sealing efficiency in electrical enclosures against the ingress of dirt, water, salt mist, and other contaminants.

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