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Orafol diffuser films get it covered

Orafol, manufacturer of self-adhesive products and reflective materials, has introduced a new range of premium diffuser films under the series name of Oracal 8830/8860 diffuser premium cast.

Article picture

The image shows the difference between applications without using the diffuser film and applications using the film

The diffuser films’ most common application is in light box displays where they ensure light is evenly distributed and prevent internal light sources from being seen externally.

They are designed with both LED and general light sources in mind and are ideal for perfecting a finished look for an internally lit display.

The films are available in two different light transmission grades. The 8830 film is a translucent, matte special cast PVC film with 30 percent light transmission, while the 8860 film has 60 percent light transmission.

Orafol is continuously updating the products it brings to the market, with the introduction of a range of pre-printed fleet marking films back in March this year.

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