Tuesday, 14 Jun 2022 08:25 GMT

Hollywood Monster takes on new EFI VUTEk Q5r

Birmingham-based Hollywood Monster has invested in and installed a new EFI VUTEk Q5r printer from CMYUK in response to a spike in customer demand.

The machine becomes the 10th VUTEk printer to be purchased from CMYUK in a relationship that stretches back almost 17 years and also coincides with Hollywood Monster’s 30th anniversary.

Simon McKenzie, chief executive of Hollywood Monster, says the decision to invest in the new printer was the result of a buoyant order book for 2022 that includes demand from retailers, supermarkets, and a number of large sporting events.

To cope with the volume and speed required, McKenzie says Hollywood Monster needed to replace an older EFI VUTEk GS5000r that had been in place for a decade.

“The GS5000r has output millions of pounds worth of work, so it’s definitely earned its keep but it’s too slow now,” McKenzie says, adding: “We’ve ordered this printer purely for quality high volume output. 

“We've not added any extras like eight colours or white inks because our HS125 Pros and 5r covers this. We just wanted a 5m printer to reliably keep pumping out high quality print.

“We’re buying the new printer for nearly the same price as we did the old GS but this is more robust, more finely tuned, performs to another level. The price just doesn’t reflect this, it’s very affordable.”

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