Thursday, 17 Mar 2022 11:21 GMT

Midwich collects donations for Ukrainian refugees

Audio visual (AV) distributor Midwich has collected over 50 boxes and bags of donations from employees to help those impacted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Essentials donated by staff included warm clothes, dry blankets, sanitary products, torches, medical supplies and sleeping bags, with the team having Midwich sorted these into boxes and bags
Donations were collected over a four-day period in partnership with a Norfolk- based Polish charitable association. 

A school minibus was then loaned to Midwich from a local school, which was used to transport donations from Midwich’s head office to the local church, ahead of the onward journey to Poland.

Ben Thompson, communications and PR manager at Midwich, who organised the appeal, says: “I spotted a Facebook post from a local church calling for vital supplies for women and children escaping the conflict in Ukraine.

“I knew my colleagues at Midwich would support the appeal and within days, we had a mountain of the essential items collected, and it just kept coming. People were going out in their lunchbreak to buy items to donate, which is amazing.”

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