Wednesday, 03 Nov 2021 07:01 GMT

swissQprint unveils next-generation flatbed

swissQprint has announced the launch of the fourth generation of its flatbed printer, with a pledge to offer even higher-quality output to users.

The machine boasts new printhead technology with a maximum resolution of 1350 dpi and ultra-high-precision droplet capabilities, along with advanced mechanical features.

These include the Tip Switch Vacuum, whereby the table is divided into as many as 256 segments that users can switch on or off at the touch of a finger. 

SwissQprint adds that the new range offers a host of options for individual configuration.

“The new range offers a host of options for individual configuration,” swissQprint says, adding: “Users can have their printer assembled exactly in line with what they require today. 

“If their needs or requirements change, they can add a diverse range of options to the printer at any time.”

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