Monday, 15 Mar 2021 09:12 GMT

NowSignage partners with BrightSign

BrightSign has announced NowSignage as the latest digital signage CMS to join its Integrated Partner scheme.

The platform is a free subscription included with BrightSign devices, allowing users to remotely manage their device and install the NowSignage CMS application.

According to NowSignage, this will increase the speed and ease of deployment and management of a digital signage network, in regions around the world. Control Cloud customers can access real-time player control features such as the ability to view and monitor real-time player health from any location, player diagnostics and controls, perform remotes or updates, and initiate remote snapshots to see what is playing on-screen.

Tom Ross, commercial director at NowSignage, comments: “Bringing together the world's biggest media player manufacturer and the easiest-to-use CMS on the market always made perfect sense, and BrightSign has been one of my main strategic partnership targets for a long time.”

Jeff Hastings, chief executive at BrightSign, adds: “We are enthusiastic about NowSignage’s full-featured offering including IPTV, PowerBI and social media streaming.

“Additionally, the competitive pricing of the software and market knowledge of the team creates a real win-win for our joint customers.”

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