Tuesday, 22 Sep 2020 08:47 GMT

Ideum sees touchless future with new solution

Interactive design company Ideum has announced the launch of a new touchless device, in a move that could forecast the direction of the market as the world continues to adapt to life with the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).

The Touchless Pedestal allows visitors to safely interact without touching a screen or any physical interface elements.

A LeapMotion controller allows for interaction, as well as controlled LED lights and a circular 3.4" LCD display for on-boarding and real-time feedback.  

The system's software is also provided by the Touchless Design initiative, which Ideum launched earlier in the year with partial funding from Intel as part of its Pandemic Response Technology Initiative, amid the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

“The pandemic has created new obstacles. It is our job as designers, educators, and technologists to explore and develop new interactive paradigms,” said Ideum founder Jim Spadaccini says.

If people feel that touch isn't safe, we can create touchless experiences for museums and other spaces that are intuitive and robust

“If people feel that touch isn't safe, we can create touchless experiences for museums and other spaces that are intuitive and robust.”

The Touchless Pedestal is the second touchless device from Ideum to launch this year, following the release of an add-on device for its Drafting II multi-touch table.

Touchless technologies like this are likely to become more popular as retailers and other venues seek to protect visitors during the pandemic.

“The challenges here are considerable, but so are the opportunities –  not just for the current situation, but we can also shape the future of interaction and the design of public spaces,” Spadaccini says.

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