Tuesday, 26 May 2020 07:43 GMT

Readying for a return to retail

UX Global (UXG) has created a bespoke digital signage solution allowing retailers to measure the number of people inside their store at any given time – a factor that looks set to be of paramount important when shops begin to reopen after the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown.

Auto-Q operates using 3D sensors installed at store entrance and exit points, monitoring exactly how many people are inside, while programmable email and push notifications alert staff at capacity thresholds.

Leeds-based UXG says it can develop and integrate the complete system along with digital displays and housings, creating bespoke units that retailers are able to be position internally or externally in line with each store’s requirements.

UXG director Alistair Wright comments: “In response to Covid-19, retailers are now required to adapt their stores like never before, with their priority rightly being the safety of their employees and customers.

“Our Auto-Q technology has been created with the latest occupancy requirements in mind. It offers an accurate, cost-effective, and reliable alternative to manual counting, enabling retailers to manage occupancy and queuing customers safely, efficiently, and effectively whilst reallocating staff to other important store operations.

“As with all of our solutions, the system can be designed and installed to meet bespoke requirements and integrated into existing systems and technologies.”

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