Wednesday, 13 May 2020 09:53 GMT

Deneva to support retailers after lockdown

Digital signage specialist Deneva has unveiled a new range of solutions designed to help retailers and restaurants in the aftermath of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Deneva.Safe&Tech smart signage solutions have been designed to help business ensure compliance with new measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, by combining digital signage and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The solutions allow users to integrate AI systems for people counting, enabling them to keep track of how many people are inside a building and when to stop more people from entering.

Deneva.Safe&Tech also has biometric systems for facial or corporal recognition, identifying if the individual is wearing mask or if they are complying with social distancing measures.

In addition, the solutions are integrated with Deneva’s digital signage software, so that users can run corporate or promotional communications.

These new solutions are ideal for supermarkets, large areas and retail industry

“These new solutions are ideal for supermarkets, large areas and retail industry,” Deneva says, adding: “Furthermore, they can be applied to other workspaces in order to guarantee a secure returning of all workers.

“Deneva is finalising the latest tests in intelligent self-service kiosks and touch-displays in order to avoid the contact with the screen through systems of voice recognition, and ‘mirroring’ systems that enable the interaction through the smartphone.

“This way, a controlled and personalised communication that moves toward a digital experience based on each person can be achieved.”

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