Tuesday, 04 Feb 2020 11:19 GMT

Billboard bought to find a date

A man living in Sheffield has invested in a local 3m high by 6m wide roadside billboard to find a date.

30-year-old Mark Rofe works in marketing so is no stranger to planning eye-catching campaigns. However, this time he has turned the spotlight onto himself.

With all his friends getting married, Rofe is still single and describes himself as struggling to get a date.

In a bid to attract the attention of potential suitors, Rofe bought a billboard on Fairfield Street in Manchester. The large sign features a vibrant red background with a picture of Rofe lying across the middle.  

Some people might think I’m mad paying £425 but if I find love then it’s fairly cheap. I tried to make it funny so hopefully I don’t come across as a desperate loser

The text reads: “Single? Date Mark. This could be the sign you’ve been waiting for.” Rofe has also created a website which adorns the slogan “One man, one billboard, one mission”, through which those interested can apply for a date with him.

Despite already receiving 1557 date applications, Rofe has also set up a fundraising site so he can purchase more billboard advertising across the UK and Ireland.

Speaking to the BBC, Rofe says: “Some people might think I’m mad paying £425 but if I find love then it’s fairly cheap. I tried to make it funny so hopefully I don’t come across as a desperate loser.”

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