Friday, 02 Feb 2018 11:58 GMT

Low-cost Acuity provides great investment chance

In a move to make its already popular Acuity printer model more accessible and affordable for its customers, Fujifilm has launched the Acuity LED 1600R for the large-format graphic display market.

The new model will serve as a lower-cost alternative to its successful Acuity LED 1600 II printer.

The roll-to-roll printer is optimised for four-colour CYMK printing but shares all of the quality and performance benefits of the Acuity LED 1600 II printer. It features Dimatix Q-class industrial print heads and has a high density mode for heat-sensitive roll media, making it suitable for backlit and window applications.

In a statement, Fujifilm says the printer “delivers near-photographic print quality at an impressive speed”—offering productivity of up to 33m² per hour.

However, it also boasts some impressive environmental credentials. Producing low levels of heat, requiring lower ink volumes, and less power than other machines, it also has long-life LED UV lamps and no ozone or VOC emissions.

We are now offering an equally robust, lower-cost model in the Acuity LED 1600R that can provide a great investment opportunity for printers looking to produce high-quality, large-format display work 

Tudor Morgan, segment manager, sign and display at Fujifilm Graphic Systems Europe, says: “Fujifilm has established a strong business with the Acuity LED 1600 and then the Acuity LED 1600 II, with close to 1,000 installations globally.

“To build on this success, we are now offering an equally robust, lower-cost model in the Acuity LED 1600R that can provide a great investment opportunity for printers looking to produce high-quality, large-format display work—all without compromising on the excellent performance characteristics that have gained the Acuity LED 1600 II such a formidable reputation.”

The printer features the Uvijet RL ink range, which is available in CMYK and CMYK plus light cyan and light magenta. A modular upgrade option to include white is available, with an option for up to eight channels to include clear ink also being added later in the year. Designed for roll media, Uvijet RL is manufactured by Fujifilm Specialty Ink Systems in the UK.

Some members of the public will not have to wait long to be able to take a look at the printer for themselves as the Acuity LED 1600R will be showcased by Fujifilm at C!Print. The international event dedicated to the visual communication industry takes place at Eurexpo Lyon, France from February 6th to 8th.

Following this, the machine will be commercially available from March 1st.

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