Tuesday, 21 Nov 2017 11:41 GMT

SAi customers take on work with “confidence”

SAi has highlighted a shift in the way that sign-makers are using software. The company says checking licenses, downloading, applying patches, testing, working out what is new and different, and retraining staff, used to be the norm.

However, SAi says today’s sign-makers are using software on a subscription basis. The company says in a statement: “Simply by paying a low monthly fee—a revenue expense, not a capital outlay—the latest version of the software is instantly available.

"Licenses for all output devices are affordable and options are available for special tools on an as-needed basis. Subscription software is automatically updated as it is refined and upgraded when new versions become available.

“SAi introduced its subscription program in 2014, when software by subscription was a very new concept. Today, most major business and home software programs are available by subscription. So are SAi Flexi, Flexi Design, and En Route, and sign-makers of all sizes around the world are enjoying the benefits.”

Screenguild Signs from Canada is one company which has increased its confidence by using this method. Owner of the company, Dan Bosley, explains: “Sign printing is a moving target these days and having the latest software means that we can take on work with confidence.

“Even though there are only three of us, we offer a full service, from design to installation. We began using the subscription service for SAi Flexi in 2015 and run it on four computers: three for design-related work and one for production.”

Sign printing is a moving target these days and having the latest software means that we can take on work with confidence

Screenguild Signs uses SAi Flexi to drive two print and cut machines. Bosley adds: “We can run one RIP to drive both of our machines, which is a great advantage for a small company.”

UK-based HFE Signs usually sends products to its national and international customers within 48 hours.

“To do this, it is essential to have the right software, properly integrated,” says Karl Hunter, director of HFE Signs, adding: “Because Flexi Sign software communicates directly, this means we have no issues with conversion errors when exporting and it keeps our file system nice and simple and reduces storage—which means faster back-ups.”

Hunter concludes: “We now have ten SAi Flexi licenses. We favour this software as it communicates directly with our ten output devices which range from print and cut to wide-format, grand-format, and UV flatbed printers.”

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