Wednesday, 08 Nov 2017 12:28 GMT

Taopix updates Online Designer

Taopix has announced the latest version of its photo commerce software, with the desktop designer released in late August.

Updates include a redesigned shopping cart, as well as giving the customer the ability to view live pricing.

New features have also been added, including a zoom tool, a rotate button, and allowing customers to link their logo to a specific web page. 

Chief executive of Taopix, James Gray, comments: “We’re excited to bring another new release to the market. As always, the features and enhancements that we deliver are determined by our customers and the markets they operate in.

As always, the features and enhancements that we deliver are determined by our customers and the markets they operate in

"It’s important for us to concentrate on what ultimately makes our customers more successful which is why they play such an important role in our product roadmap.

"It works both ways; if they’re successful then we’re also successful.”

Taopix are also aiding customers with online sales, as the software comes with an improved ‘Send to a Friend’ feature.

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