Friday, 03 Nov 2017 12:16 GMT

Applelec strengthens sales team

In a move to strengthen its senior sales team and provide better support to its customers, Applelec has appointed Luke Povey to the newly created role of national product manager. He will focus on LED specification support for the signage and display sectors.

“I’m really excited about the new challenge at Applelec,” says Povey, adding: “The product range is strong and I’m looking forward to getting out on the road to meet customers and get down to business.

"We have some fantastic opportunities to create energy efficient signage that packs a punch and I hope to add value to the Applelec service in the support I can offer our customers.”

Povey has nine years’ senior sales experience which he gained during stints at two well-known national LED suppliers, where he worked on several £100,000 roll-outs. Being field-based in his new role, Povey will help Applelec achieve its commitment to deliver more face-to-face sales support.

The product range is strong and I'm looking forward to getting out on the road to meet customers and get down to business

Ian Drinkwater, Applelec’s managing director, comments: “We were looking to strengthen our senior sales team and provide more one-to-one support for customers interested in using and working with our LED product range.

"Luke is ideal for this role given his experience and technical product knowledge and will help our customers get the best from the LED systems offered by Applelec.”

Povey will support Applelec’s sign industry customers, which includes sign-makers and a growing number of sign companies now offering more complex LED signage solutions.

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