Thursday, 26 Oct 2017 14:32 GMT

Staying One Step Ahead

Jo Golding asks: “What do you think are the common denominators that are fuelling growth for start-ups and smaller sign-makers looking to stay one step ahead of the competition?”

Education is key

One of the initial considerations for successful start-ups and smaller sign-makers is business strategy; do they want to offer everything to everyone, or focus on a key range of product offerings for a specific customer base? Taking this into consideration, it certainly makes sense to invest in hardware that offers versatility. A versatile printing solution ensures flexibility moving forward and allows small businesses to adapt and grow their services, as their customer base and the applications they are looking for expands.

Successful small businesses and start-ups are always looking for ways to stay one step ahead of the competition; education and training is the best way to do this. Sign and display businesses that take the time to learn and develop new skills will always be more successful as they will be well-informed and able to adapt to market demands and trend changes. Investment in training is key.

Start-ups are always looking for ways to stay one step ahead of the competition; education and training is the best way to do this

Quality is another big consideration. By using good quality products, not cutting corners, and delivering excellent end-products, start-ups and smaller sign-makers set themselves on the path to success. The old adage that you get what you pay for very much rings true here. In order to gain the all-important repeat business, it is crucial that you deliver what your customers want, when they want it, at a sensible price-point, without compromising on quality.

Other factors which are helping to fuel the growth of start-ups and smaller sign-makers include the adoption of all the latest communication and marketing platforms, and the use of social media to fully engage with customers. Positive direct contact between manufacturers and customers is useful for both parties.

The final driver for success is the ability to work smarter, but not necessarily harder. By investing in software and optimising workflows, start-ups and smaller sign-makers can ensure that their time and resources are used productively.

Rise from the ashes

Phil Kneale, director, Graphtec GB

Traditionally, sign manufacturers have benefitted from times of recession and uncertainty. As larger companies adjust to the new economic climate they inevitably make staff redundancies, or in extreme cases close plants. Somewhat ironically, this creates a great spawning ground for start-ups or smaller businesses in the sign industry.

Former tradespeople who have been made redundant will often use their redundancy money to become self-employed and set up a start-up business that will need signs, flyers, or at least a sign-writing facility for the branding of a commercial vehicle or vehicles. This provides fertile ground for small or start-up sign companies, many of which may actually exist as a result of the same economic cycle.

The second denominator is a direct result of Brexit, as the value of sterling has over the past six months decreased significantly. Fortunately, suppliers to the sign and display industry have managed to absorb the resultant currency losses without passing any price increases to customers, which has been the case at Graphtec GB. In real terms, this means that the cost of setting up a business serving the sign industry has never been more affordable, with low interest rates making it an even more financially attractive proposition.

The cost of setting up a business serving the sign industry has never been more affordable

The third denominator is that, in spite of Brexit, domestic business growth and confidence remains very high. Companies are investing in the future and the economy is not as fragile as we have been led to believe in the media.

An added benefit for small or start-up businesses is that 90 percent of the equipment installed for core sign manufacturing activities can be used, without the need for new investment, to open up fresh business opportunities in other sectors. As has been seen at Graphtec GB, there has been a noticeable migration by small and start-up companies (invariably two- or three-person operations) to the potentially lucrative printwear and promotional products, packaging, labelling, digital printing, and finishing sectors.

Guiding light

Kyle Giles, marketing executive, William Smith

Because we live in a much more visual society and commercial companies are increasingly led by image, signage has become an essential part of branding. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the volume of work available and the opportunities for sign-makers to express their creativity. From an educational point of view, sign-making is becoming a more accredited trade, which in turn raises awareness of the industry.
As a trade manufacturer and supplier, and a company that prides itself on service, Smith is constantly developing its range of support to meet the changing needs of sign-makers, to help them get off the starting-blocks or diversify into new areas.

For example, we regularly invite sign-makers to site for educational events where we guide them through all the processes of sign-making, the equipment used, and the end products that we can supply. In response to demand, Sam Armstrong from Make It Happen will also be staging monthly training courses on-site in Barnard Castle to help sign-makers at all stages of business development, including those who simply want a refresher. You can never know too much.

Our bi-annual open days are always popular events as they give customers an opportunity to talk directly with industry experts, as well as our fabricators and sales team, and gain insight into the products that Smith offers.

We regularly invite sign-makers to site for educational events where we guide them through all the processes of sign-making

Customers that specialise in one particular field, such as vehicle wrapping, often see an opportunity to offer other services as they recognise the cross-over in skills, and the products and services we can assist them with.

The equipment and technologies available mean that it is now possible to manufacture almost anything, with a blend of professions coming together to create innovative solutions. If a sign-maker is unable to afford the outlay for equipment, there is certain to be a reliable trade supplier with whom they can partner to bring their projects to fruition.

Hybrid solution

Robert Marshall, vice president, market development, AXYZ International

Firstly, small and start-up companies do not want to invest unnecessarily in multiple pieces of production equipment and wherever possible, would rather opt for a single hybrid machine capable of handling work that would otherwise require two separate machines. With limited floor space also a restriction for these companies, a hybrid machine is a more space-efficient and cost-effective alternative solution.

Small and start-up businesses must focus on getting manufacturing output completed quickly and efficiently in order to remain competitive, with the equipment purchased likely to prove a key factor in achieving this objective. As such, the equipment needs to be ultra-reliable and easy to use. Furthermore, if help is needed, it must be available direct from the manufacturer, which should have the spare parts, expert service engineers, and application specialists on hand to provide immediate assistance.

With limited floor space also a restriction for these companies, a hybrid machine is a more space-efficient and cost-effective alternative solution

A perfect example of a hybrid machine that can carry out multiple tasks is the latest Trident digital print finishing system from AXYZ International, with the combined routing and cutting capabilities provided making it an ideal solution for small and start-up companies. A particular benefit provided by Trident is that it enables sign businesses to engage with and fully maximise new market opportunities, which now exist in sectors beyond core sign manufacturing and that will introduce vital new revenue streams. Typically, these include the packaging and labelling sectors.

For first time CNC machine owners, the selection and purchase of tooling and consumables can prove a steep learning curve. Expert advice, combined with easy 24/7 online purchasing and next day delivery, makes this a much less daunting and faster task. All of these requirements are comprehensively met by the AXYZ CNC Routershop online facility, which meets the total requirements of not only AXYZ International machine owners, but also those of any other make of machine regardless of type or country of origin.

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