Friday, 29 Sep 2017 11:25 GMT

MX Display supports mental health charity event

Mental health is something that everyone should be aware of and be educated about. Good and bad mental health affects everyone, and there are steps to maintaining good mental health, and help if you feel you are suffering.

The Advocacy Project, in partnership with Central and North-West London NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Westminster, recently held a poetry competition named Healing Words. This was open to those that had suffered from mental health issues, and they were encouraged to write about their darkest days, their better days, and their road to recovery.

MX Display—a large-format, graphic, and signage specialist—supported the poetry event, which took place at London’s City Hall. The Derby-based firm produced 20 freestanding printed cardboard displays, which were used to display the poem entries. Each stand was easily recyclable, and the materials used to create the products were certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Mental health touches many people, from those who experience it to their families and friends

Sales and marketing director of MX Display, Dave Lister, comments: “As a responsible business, we are passionate about putting something back into the communities we serve, so we’re delighted to support this event. Mental health touches many people, from those who experience it to their families and friends, so anything we can do to help raise awareness and break down the bagrriers which surround it is a good thing.

“This event was a challenge to pull together as we were restricted on what we could and couldn’t do with the space we had available. Using the most environmentally-friendly materials possible for this project was an essential component for us, as they were used for only a very short period of time.”

Over 300 entries were submitted, and the winning poem was read out by actress and writer Joanna Scanlan, after being selected by a panel of judges.

Lister finishes: “Our team, as usual, came up with some really innovative, eye-catching displays to do some of the really moving, profound and creative submissions justice, so it was great to be involved.”

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