Thursday, 21 Sep 2017 17:18 GMT

Solar-powered printed fashion

It seems that in recent times, natural disasters have dominated the news, including the most recent earthquake in Mexico. Before that was Storm Irma, which battered the West Indies and parts of southern America.

Whilst the UK does not tend to suffer from events as extreme as this, the country still contributes to pollution. There are global initiatives in place, as well as striving for greener resources.

UK T-Shirt Printing, part of the eco-fashion brand Rapanui, has moved to a new factory on the Isle of Wight. However, this is not just any factory; it is powered by renewable energy. This is all down to 12KW photovoltaic solar panels, LED lighting, and low power electric gel heaters.

Rob Drake-Knight, co-founder of UK T-Shirt Printing, comments: “What’s really cool about this factory is that it is entirely powered by renewable energy. When the sun’s out our solar panels contribute to the energy needed to turn the carousels or cure the tees.

What’s really cool about this factory is that it is entirely powered by renewable energy. When the sun’s out our solar panels contribute to the energy needed to turn the carousels or cure the tees

“When it’s raining, we fall back on our supply from mixed renewables including solar, wind, and hydro. The building reflects our values. It’s practical, and the choices we made in the renovation of the building make an important point: sustainability and economy don’t have to be opposing forces. We’ve actually made savings in the long run by investing in renewables, insulation, low power lighting, and heating.”

Not only is the move a positive for the environment, but also for UK T-Shirt Printing, as it comes as a result of recent growth. The demand for more eco-friendly fashion has allowed the firm to move forward, and invest in the space.

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