Thursday, 22 Jun 2017 10:47 GMT

Sign industry leads the way in hands-on training

The best way for students to prepare for their chosen industry is to experience realistic situations that they may find themselves in, in the future.

With the help of the MakerBot Replicator 3D, engineering students at Sunderland’s N.A college can now take their skills gained in the classroom, and put them to the test.

The technology is distributed by ArtSystems, which is a Nottingham-based company that supports the design, graphics, signage, and display market.

School engagement tutor, George Cox says: “We bought seven MakerBot Replicators because they’re well priced, medium sized 3D printers that can produce bigger and more detailed models than our current printers could manage, which allows us to expand the possibilities of what our students can produce and learn.”

Alongside 3D printing, N.A students will learn how to work with CAD and on their presentation skills. The institution also runs a course that is based on the F1 in Schools competition.

The college purchased seven MakerBot printers overall, from supplier Concept Group, which has a base in Newcastle. The firm, which is owned by Xerox, supplied the college with the technology, which will allow more learning possibilities.

We worked closely with N.A College to make sure the printer delivered what they needed at the price they could afford. It was great to help enhance their student’s educational experience in such a positive way

Newcastle sales manager, Stewart Hunter, says: “The concept behind Concept is to provide customers with carefully tailored solutions across our broad portfolio, delivering better, more economical document and print management, while also furnishing customers with tailored advice about the best machines for the job.

“The MakerBot Replicator was the perfect solution for N.A College’s needs. It is an excellent 3D printer at an affordable price.”

Hunter also mentions that the MakerBot is ideal for students to learn with, as it has an easy to use system. It has a large LCD screen which is easy to access, and it also offers text messages to send alerts, and cloud storage for design ideas.

Hunter comments: “Simple to operate, it is a machine that offers a host of features, including a larger build plate, and it can print finer detail than its competitors without pricing itself out of our customers’ reach.

“We worked closely with N.A College to make sure the printer delivered what they needed at the price they could afford. It was great to help enhance their student’s educational experience in such a positive way.”

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