Tuesday, 21 Feb 2017 14:26 GMT

Testing Your Sales Message

Matthew Parker sets out two surefire ways to find out whether your sales message needs work

Two stress-tests you must carry out on your sales message to make sure it works

Would you introduce a workflow without testing it?

No sensible printing company would make a major change in their systems without thoroughly testing it first. If you didn't test your workflows you would risk bringing the factory to an immediate halt.

It's the same with IT systems. Everything gets tested first. Even new communication flows are carefully researched, discussed and implemented. When it comes to printing, you can't just make a change and hope that it works.

So why don't we test our sales messages?

Most salespeople are thrown straight in at the deep end. They are allowed to develop their own messaging for the sales. They do not have to run it by anyone.

This is dangerous. After all, if you get your sales message wrong, your sales will take a nosedive.

Here are two ways in which sales messages should be tested

The first way it is to have someone repeat your sales message back to you. It may sound very different from what you expected. This is partly because what we think we are saying and what we actually say can be two very different things!

However, there is another reason why your sales message may sound so different to what you're expecting. People often interpret what you say in a different way to what you hoped. In other words, they do not hear what you say. They often hear what they want you to say.

Running this test gives you a much better sense of how other people are interpreting your message. You will gain a clear understanding as to whether there are elements of your message that you should clarify. But there is another test that you should also carry out your sales message.

Compare your sales message with that of your competitors

How do you stand out from other printing companies? Have you given buyers a compelling reason as to why they should choose you rather than an alternative option? Or do you end up sounding just the same as your rivals?

Have you given buyers a compelling reason as to why they should choose you rather than an alternative option?

One of the problems I faced as a buyer was that so many printing companies said exactly the same as each other. That meant that I only had one reason to choose a printing company: price.

I run these two tests in my life sales training workshops. Everyone finds taking part in them is a real eye-opener. Most people discover that they have some serious work to do on their sales message.

How does your sales message stand up to these tests?

Are you completely happy with the way you come over to your prospects? Do you stand head and shoulders above the competition? Or is your sales message sending a little tired? Does it sound pretty much the same as everyone else?

You may decide that it is a good idea to spend some time reviewing your sales message. Remember, this is your first point of contact with many prospects. And you only have a few seconds to grab their attention, whether it is by phone email and other communication channel.

Sales messages should be tested regularly

This should be treated as just an important an exercise as your workflow testing.

PS If you’d like practical ideas on how to engage with today’s buyers, download Matthew’s free e-book “Ten Common Print Selling Errors and What To Do About Them” right now at http://profitableprintrelationships.com/e-book/ You’ll also receive his regular “Views from the print buyer” bulletin, full of ideas on how to sell print effectively.

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