Wednesday, 11 May 2016 14:55 GMT

Sweet treats showcased at NEC

Debuted at Sign and Digital UK this year, polystyrene lettering producers Graham Sweet Studios are certainly arrived with a bang as they launched their new refined MDF faced letters for sign-makers.

The letters themselves are made from polystyrene, faced front and back with MDF, making them far more durable than their previous incarnations, and are available in a range of different finishes to satisfy any application.

With facings flush to the edge of the polystyrene, the letters have a smooth and professional finish, and they can be faced with a range of different materials, such as thin acrylic, and can be painted or even covered in glitter.

The letters have a smooth and professional finish, and they can be faced with a range of different materials

The letters are available in sizes from 50 to 2,000mm, and, because of their polystyrene centre, are significantly lighter than solid letters, meaning installation is markedly easier and quicker across the board.

Sign7 News were on hand at Sign and Digital UK to report live from the event

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