Wednesday, 02 Mar 2016 11:26 GMT

Bringing brands to life with StackaWraps

The fashion for using cardboard cut-outs and inflatables as alternative advertising tools could become a thing of the past, as the creator of a new marketing novelty looks to license the technology.

Richard Mark Peter is the inventor of StackaWraps, which uses innovative software to transform photographs into 3D images which can be wrapped around a skeletal frame, creating replicas of the products and bringing branded promotional materials to life in a unique way.

Peter explains: “We manufacture StackaWraps for the likes of Communisis, SP Group, and Williams Lea, but we had to outsource production. Our plan now is to licence the software to UK-based fabric print companies where they will manufacture StackaWraps under licence.”

I feel the licencing side of the business direct to printers is interesting and innovative news for the industry

Unlike materials such as fibreglass, StackaWraps can be transported in a flat-pack box, making transit affordable and convenient. A standard replica would usually take around five minutes to assemble from its box.

Peter concludes: “I feel the licencing side of the business direct to printers is interesting and innovative news for the industry.”

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