Monday, 18 Jan 2016 11:58 GMT

TfL soaks up the sun with e-paper displays

Transport for London (TfL) is to trial e-paper displays at four of its bus stops in London, with plans to replace as many as 19,000 shelters in the city should the initial rollout prove successful.

The solar-powered displays show when buses are due to arrive on the existing stand, in additional route information that passengers can control by pressing buttons on the display.

TfL’s e-paper displays, which resemble giant Kindles, not only offer a space-saving solution for the transport company, but also use less power than the standard LED displays that commonly feature at London bus stands.

What we're investing in here is a trial for four stops to prove that the technology is viable and then really to work up what the costs of that would be network-wide or just in specific circumstances

However, Simon Reed, head of bus systems and technology at TfL, told the BBC that the e-paper displays are currently just a trial effort, with the company also looking at various other technologies.

“This is just an option; one of many ways we're looking at getting information out," Reed said.

“What we're investing in here is a trial for four stops to prove that the technology is viable and then really to work up what the costs of that would be network-wide or just in specific circumstances.

“As long as the information is accurate and timely, Londoners find it useful and our rates of vandalism are actually very, very low. Something’s useful, people value it, it doesn't get vandalised.”

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