Wednesday, 28 Oct 2015 11:57 GMT

Shuttleworth function cuts costs

Shuttleworth MIS has revealed a new software functionality that will help sign, label, and packaging companies manage jobs which consist of multiple items.

“Managing multiple items for one quote can be a costly process, however the new ‘Kitting’ functionality means that users benefit through easy traceability, reduced administration and cost, and ultimately increased profit,” says Dawn Safford, marketing executive at Shuttleworth.

It is just another example of how Shuttleworth is leading the MIS market by delivering powerful technical solutions to very specific customer needs

Kitting allows users to add individual items and quantities to one enquiry, then Shuttleworth can calculate a price for the entire ‘kit’. The kit can be managed throughout the production process to delivery and invoicing.

She adds: “It is just another example of how Shuttleworth is leading the MIS market by delivering powerful technical solutions to very specific customer needs.”

Sign7 News special report from Sign and Digital UK 2015: Shuttleworth

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