Wednesday, 07 Oct 2015 14:53 GMT

OKI buy-out brings market to boiling point

In a strategic move that will serve to further increase pressure on the already heavily competitive wide-format print sector, OKI Data Corporation has completed the acquisition of the wide-format printer business, Seiko Infotech (SIIT).

“We are pleased to have completed the acquisition of the wide format printer business from SII,” says Takao Hiramoto, president of OKI Data Corporation.

We are pleased to have completed the acquisition of the wide format printer business from SII

The development will now give OKI a comprehensive portfolio of products that will see it straddle both the commercial print, signage, personalisation, and graphics sectors. It is also likely to raise eye-brows of Seiko Infotech’s competitors, as a new surge of research and development capital is likely to be ploughed into its technology.

Hiramoto continues: "Through this acquisition, we have not only acquired a portfolio of wide format inkjet printers for signs and LED graphic plotters, but also the corresponding technologies, development resources, and sales channels.

"By offering one-stop printing solutions targeting the printing, distribution, and retail industry sectors, we will strengthen our printer business in the professional printer market.”

OKI Data Infotech Corporation (OKI Data Infotech) started operating as a member of the OKI Group on October 1st this year.

The company currently has 236 members of staff, and specialises in design, development, manufacturing, and the sales and maintenance of wide-format printers of which the company sees as its major growth area.

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