Monday, 08 Jun 2015 16:25 GMT

Digital first for Heathrow

Helping customers make the best choice about their onward travel from Heathrow Airport, DOOH, JCDecaux Airport UK, and Heathrow Express have created the smart screen ‘journey comparison generator’.

“The aim of the ‘journey comparison generator’ is to enable Heathrow passengers to get into London as speedily, easily and as cheaply as possible.

"By harnessing many different sources of real-time data into one we are helping to make this happen. Research shows Heathrow Express trains are three times faster than taxis and a quarter of the price.
These screens show how that comparison varies minute to minute depending on traffic, weather and time of day,” says Fraser Brown, director of Heathrow Express.

These screens show how that comparison varies minute to minute depending on traffic, weather and time of day

This media first has been installed at Heathrow Terminal 2 and is translated to the main language of the people on the arriving flight.

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