Tuesday, 31 Mar 2015 12:06 GMT

Cabbies take a stand against faceless future

Chancellor George Osborne promised £100m investment in driverless technology in this year’s budget, prompting taxi app developer Hailo to launch the ‘Face to Faceless’ campaign, which projects the faces of London cab drivers on city landmarks.

“People don’t want robots; they need to know that their driver will get them from A to B safely and securely,” says Hailo chief marketing officer Gary Bramall. He adds: “Nothing can replace the relationship a passenger builds with their driver and we need to stand up for drivers.”

However, supporters of the rise of driverless tech contend that it will slash road accidents and significantly reduce congestion, as well as creating 320,000 new UK jobs by 2030.

Cabbies have been a part of this city for hundreds of years and the move towards driverless cars is killing not only an entire profession, but a huge part of Britain’s heritage

Bramall continues: “Cabbies have been a part of this city for hundreds of years and the move towards driverless cars is killing not only an entire profession, but a huge part of Britain’s heritage.”

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