Wednesday, 10 Sep 2014 14:18 GMT

Virtual assistants set to direct the future

The next generation of digital signage could be cropping up in stations and shopping centres across the UK.

Tensator’s Virtual Assistant—a motion activated projected image, creating the illusion of a real person—has become the latest advancement in digital wayfinding signage.

So far, Kings Cross’s ‘Louise’ has proved so popular with travellers that Tensator has been commissioned to produce eleven more for Network Rail.

Because Virtual Assistants are completely customisable, they can be used to relay any number of messages including health and safety, directional and general information such as station facilities

Ajay Joshi, head of media and technology at Tensator says: “Because Virtual Assistants are completely customisable, they can be used to relay any number of messages including health and safety, directional and general information such as station facilities.”

Proving this flexibility, the Grafton shopping centre in Cambridge has recently installed their own wayfinding Virtual Assistant, a UK first for a shopping centre. It seems the future is not so far away.

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