Tuesday, 09 Sep 2014 10:01 GMT

‘Chuck the chintz’ with new 3D films

Vehicle and external building wrapping is all the rage, but there are also possibilities for internal decorative wrapping, says Doro Tape, which has announced a new range of 3D textured interior decorative films from LG Hausys.

The 16 new films come in a variety of patterns and textures including wood, marble and leather, are reportedly scratch resistant and can be applied to almost any substrate.

In this age of sustainability, refurbishing using interior film, allows designers to metaphorically ‘chuck out the chintz’, whilst being able to recycle existing furniture and fittings

Doro Tape also emphasises the potential environmental advantages of the films, saying: "In this age of sustainability, refurbishing using interior film, allows designers to metaphorically ‘chuck out the chintz’, whilst being able to recycle existing furniture and fittings.

"This allows the client not only to save money, but also to present an ecological persona—a win-win situation for all concerned.”