Monday, 07 Jul 2014 16:24 GMT

Stewart Signs and EFI race ahead with UK first

Vehicle graphics specialist and general sign-maker Stewart Signs has become the first company in the UK to invest in an EFI VUTEk 3.2m GS3250LXr Pro dedicated roll-to-roll wide-format six-colour printer with LED cool curing and greyscale technology

The purchase comes after the Hampshire firm’s identified the need to upgrade its production capabilities to more modern flexible ink technology and faster throughput, while at the same time maintaining its 3M matched component system warranty.

Speaking about these requirements, production manager Tom Bates says: “The EFI VUTEk GSLXr 3M SuperFlex UV Ink guarantees the flexibility and durability we must offer our customers.

“This performance is essential when producing vehicle and fleet graphics, where adhesion and elasticity of the inks are vital to the success of the end application."

The EFI VUTEk GSLXr 3M SuperFlex UV Ink guarantees the flexibility and durability we must offer our customers

Bates also paid tribute to the device’s LED lamps, which he explains offer various power savings and green benefits.

Expanding on the installation further, Simon Casajuana, territory manager UK South at EFI, says the device is the ‘ideal’ choice for Stewart Signs.

“The combination of the versatility of the VUTEk GSLXr 3M SuperFlex UV ink, the power savings and the overall low cost of ownership has made the VUTEk GS3250LXr Pro the ideal machine for Stewart Signs in its transition from solvent-based production to more environmentally friendly printing,” Casajuana explains.

“Vital to the company was the combination of productivity, quality and consistency, plus proven reliability and performance, and this dedicated roll-to-roll LED wide-format printer ticks all the boxes.”