Wednesday, 16 Apr 2014 09:40 GMT

ITC slam low-quality imports

Industrial Tooling Corporation (ITC) has revealed that FESPA Digital 2014 will be used as the platform to launch the outcome of a period of intense research and development for the company

“In the face of increasingly low quality imported products, the message from ITC on Stand 115 in Hall B1, will be that high quality and innovative solutions manufactured in the UK are essential for manufacturers intent on delivering high quality components,” says ITC’s technical sales engineer Sally Hunt.

In the face of increasingly low quality imported products, the message from ITC on Stand 115 in Hall B1, will be that high quality and innovative solutions manufactured in the UK are essential for manufacturers intent on delivering high quality components

On show at the Munich-based event will be a new coating for the established 3061 Series for machining stainless steel and similar exotic materials, the extension of the market leading 180 Series of cutters and the 4071 Series of cutters for the machining and chamfering of foamex, plastic wood, MDF and additional abrasive materials. 

The 2041 series will also be on display, which features innovative geometry with enhanced wiper flats and polished flutes that improve swarf clearance.